April 2021

New play will address the voluntary intoxication loophole

The wonderful folks at NewYorkRep have commissioned me to write a new play addressing the voluntary intoxication loophole that lets ‘rapists walk free’ in over forty states. This piece is not only a play but a call for change. The goal is to have a development reading of the play in both Los Angeles and New York in April, 2022. As a sexual assault survivor, being commissioned to work on this piece is a great honor and a further step to make actual change.

A big thank you to Gayle Waxenberg and Laurie Bernhard for thinking of me for this project!


develops and produces new plays and musicals that inspire and compel social change by telling stories that expose the travesty and beauty of our humanity. By illuminating social and ethical questions through art, we strive to create provocative theater that promotes empathy, compassion, and inclusion.


March 2020

Dixieland nominated for playwrighting competition at PlayMakers

While in Paris on a writers retreat (see this post) I learned that my brand-new play, Dixieland (working title) was a finalist for The International Thomas Wolfe Playwrighting Competition at PlayMakers in Chapel Hill

This play was written as a response piece to Wolfe’s novel Look Homeward, Angel and I hope to continue to work on it as I have grown very fond of the piece.

Below is the list of the ten finalists.  I hope you google these playwrights and discover more about their work.  ☺ 

Missing Celia Rose by Ian August

Through Hike by David L. Caruso

Resubdivided by Mason Cordell

The Family Marcher by Alex Drinnen

Fall with Me by Jared Eberlein

Lineage by Anne Flanagan

Of the Sea by Fiona Gorry-Hines

Against the Flesh by Nick Robideau

Dixieland by Amy E. Witting


February 4th, 2020**

Thanks to New Georges and their lovely space (my last in-person reading) some brilliant folks gathered to read a brand new zero draft of Dixieland (working title)


** While this update should have happened in real time, posting it now (May 2021) has me missing all these talented humans, music stands, pianos, and smooshing around a table while I drink too many seltzers to help me stay open to hearing characters come alive.